
Copper Accents to Warm Up Your Home

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Adding copper accents to your home and kitchen brings warmth and beauty to every surface.

From display pieces to usable cookware, and even home office accents. We’ve compiled our favorite, easy-to-purchase Amazon finds for simple ideas for home and for gifts.

Warming Up Your Home with Copper Accents | 31Daily.com


History of Copper

Copper is an ancient metal. A pendant was first discovered in what is now Northern Iraq. It’s considered to be the oldest use of this metal, dating to well before the time of Christ. Egyptians used the ankh symbol to denote copper in their system of hieroglyphs.

Interestingly, artifacts show that the earliest use of the metal was first decorative before becoming utilitarian.

Its archeological trail of use begins in Mesopotamia before traveling to Egypt. It then follows to China, then Central America, and on to West Africa.

Ancient metals are becoming trendy once again. It’s often said there’s nothing new under the sun.

Adding Accents to Home

I have always had a love affair with copper. When my husband, Rick, and I were first married, one of our early and indulgent purchases was an expensive copper teapot.

It began a 25-year-plus collection.

Sadly, the teapot met an untimely end. It was inadvertently left to boil on a hot stove while we had a house full of kids from our church playing ping pong in the basement. No mishaps, thankfully. Other than a burnt teapot. And we learned a valuable lesson about vigilance  — but have never lost our love of copper.

As the season turns toward cooler temperature and the warm colors of fall, copper and rose gold is becoming an ever more popular home accent. The following are some favorite finds at Amazon, which is an affiliate of ours.

RELATEDThe Making of a Beautiful Collected Home: 10 Ideas

If you have some copper sitting in a cupboard — shine it and warm up your home and office with beautiful, timeless accents. If you’re looking for new finds… here are some things we fell in love with at Amazon.

Copper Stock Pot

Tips on Cleaning Copper

Exposure to water and even air can discolor copper or cause it to tarnish. Here are some tips on how to clean copper safely using ingredients commonly found in your kitchen.

HGTV offers expert advice on treating tarnished pieces.

1. Cleaning with Vinegar

  • Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup flour, and enough vinegar to make a thick paste.
  • Use a soft cloth to rub the paste on the surface, buff until it shines, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.

2. Cleaning with Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

Mix lemon juice (or vinegar) and baking soda into a sudsy mixture. Rub on the copper and buff with a soft cloth. Rinse with water and dry.

3. Cleaning with a Combination of Vinegar and Salt

  • Put 1 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, and 3 or 4 cups of water into a large pot; bring to a boil.
  • Add the item and boil until tarnish falls off.

4. Keeping it Shiny

Once your copper is shiny again, keep it clean by wiping a thin layer of mineral or linseed oil over the surface. 

Warming Your Home with Copper Accents

Adding copper accents to your home and kitchen brings warmth and beauty to every surface. From display pieces to usable kitchen and gift ideas.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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