Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens

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Indoor Plant Gardens can help purify indoor air quality, according to NASA research. See which plants they recommend and ideas and instructions on growing them.

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

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Let’s face it. With the house stripped of festive Christmas decorations, it can seem bare and even dreary.

The house is plain and simple — and not in a good way.

The joy and warmth of the holidays can leave a bare footprint after it’s packed away for another year.

That’s when I go shopping. To the nursery, that is. (I can hear that ‘ugh’!)

Adding even one small green and healthy blooming plant can do wonders toward breathing new life into the house.

January is a great month to give an extra dose of TLC to existing indoor plants: trimming, fertilizing, repotting if necessary, and re-grouping them into creative containers in different locations around the house.

It’s a breath, literally, of fresh air.

NASA researched methods to improve air quality on spaceships. They found a fantastic solution—indoor plants.

Plants purify air and make what NASA calls “nature’s life support system.” Adding potted plants and gardens to indoor spaces is an easy and effective way to improve air quality.

Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens

1. Terrariums

Beautiful container for plant groupings by creating a mini-ecosystem that will allow some plants to thrive with little care.

Best plants for terrariums include small leafy plants (like some varieties of violets), succulents, and herbs.

Terrarium Kit at Amazon

A simple to make indoor garden kit.

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

Easy Woodland Terrarium

How to make the perfect indoor plant garden terrarium… and keep it alive!

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

Orchid Terrarium

“Growing orchids in a terrarium is becoming increasingly popular—just keep it out of direct sunlight as the interior will get too hot for this exotic flower.”

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

2. Plant Groupings

Pleasing to the eye, plant groups can be as easy as containing individual, smaller containers in a basket or as impressive as a vertical wall garden.

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |
Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |
Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

3. Forcing Indoor Plant Gardens

A beautiful way to bring spring indoors, a little early. by forcing “out of season” bulbs, plants and branches.

How to Force Paperwhites

A simple and elegant centerpiece is easy to make at home, even if you have a “black thumb.” Read the simple instructions on how to force Paperwhites.

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

Forcing Branches and Stems

“Ready to refresh your space and chase away the winter blues? Try adding some indoor plants from your local nursery. This version eschews messy soil and grows plants that simply grow in water. Called indoor hydroponics, English ivy and philodendron are two types of plants that grow well this way.”

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

4. Unusual and Creative Containers

Rethinking, reimaging, and upcycling is a fresh way to bring new life into your home. Here are some creative ideas.

Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |
Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |
Breathing New Life with Favorite Indoor Plant Gardens |

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